I’m a post-graduate student at Automation School, Beijing Institute of Technology, and received B.Eng. degree from the College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT). As a member of the National Ket Lab of Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Systems, I’m supervised by Prof. Zhan Jinhui (outstanding young scholars). I also collaborate with Siyi Wei (魏思亿) academic profile - Homepage closely.

My current research focus is on magnetic soft continuum medical robots, and I am working on developing semi/fully autonomous robot assisted microsurgery to provide vascular intervention surgeons with magnetic actuation solutions! Please feel free to contact me for any inquiries or collaboration opportunities. (email: zhiweiwu.cn@outlook.com)

🔥 News

2023.06.05  🎉🎉 Congratulations on the acceptance of the paper in Computer Methods and Procedures in Biomedicine!

2022.07.09  🎉🎉 Received an offer of admission (academic graduate student) from the School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology!

2023.11.18  🎉🎉 Congratulations on the acceptance of the paper in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics!

📝 Publications (Graduated Student)


Magnetic Manipulating Medical Soft Continuum Robots

International Journal of Water Research

Zhiwei Wu, Jinhui Zhang*

About to start


Closed-Loop Magnetic Control of Medical Soft Continuum Robots for Deflection

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

Zhiwei Wu, Jinhui Zhang*

Under review


Soft Continuum Magnetically Actuated Guidewire with Steerable Motility and Morphology for Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty

Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering

Siyi Wei, Jinhui Zhang*, Zhiwei Wu, Duanduan Chen

Under Review


Magnetic Robot for Endovascular Intervention: Performance Evaluation

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 18-11-2023 IF:7.7 JCR Q1 中科院1区 Top期刊

Siyi Wei, Jinhui Zhang*, Zhiwei Wu, Duanduan Chen


Kirchhoff rod-based three-dimensional dynamical model and real-time simulation for medical-magnetic guidewires

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 06-08-2023 IF:7.027 JCR Q1 中科院2区 Top期刊

Zhiwei Wu, Jinhui Zhang*, Siyi Wei, Duanduan Chen

📝 Publications (Undergraduate Student)

Zhiwei Wu, Haosong Peng*, Biao Hu, and Xiaodong Feng. “ Trajectory Tracking of a Novel Underactuated AUV via Nonsingular Integral Terminal Sliding Mode Control”,. IEEE Access 9 (2021): 103407-103418.,

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.12 第二十届全国研究生数学建模竞赛 国家一等奖,华为专项一等奖,数模之星“全国冠军” (1/19898)(队长)
  • 2023.06 Mathorcup全国研究生数学建模竞赛 国家二等奖(队长)
  • 2023.01 第十九届“中国光谷·华为杯”研究生数学建模竞赛 国家三等奖(队长)
  • 2021.10 National Scholarship (Undergraduate) (Top 1%).
  • 2021.04 Mathematical Contest In Modeling (Finalist) (Top 1%) (paper).
  • 2020.10 Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest In Modeling (Secondary) (Top 3%).
  • 2020.10 National Scholarship (Undergraduate) (Top 1%).

📖 Educations

  • 2022.09 - 2025.06 (now), Post-graduate, Automation School, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing.
  • 2018.09 - 2022.06, Undergraduate, College of Information Science and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing.

💻 Internships

  • 2022.07 - 2022.09, Seaga Smart Tech., Fujian, China.